Ask me
I am a: Woman
Looking for a: Man
Age: 36 (02-08-1988)
City/Town: BX
Postal Code: Xxxxz
Country: United States
Height: 3 ′ 11 ″ – 120 cm
Weight: 5 sts – 66 lbs – 30 kgs
A Little About Me
I don't know who needs to hear this but:
* If you're married or have a gf, please don't message me. AT ALL! Thanks.
* Stop kissing & telling to everybody about your sexual encounters with females you meet here on the Prove homepage...keep that shit to yourself. (Huge turn off) Nobody wants to hear about it or cares to be honest.
* In the past ,a few of you guys wondered why females on 'Local Hookupz' or 'ProveMyself' said on their profile that they expect guys to "come correct ". Simple. When messaging or meeting someone you don't know for the first time show respect to said person. Anything else you want to know about me. Ask.
R E S P E C T F U L L Y.
* If you're married or have a gf, please don't message me. AT ALL! Thanks.
* Stop kissing & telling to everybody about your sexual encounters with females you meet here on the Prove homepage...keep that shit to yourself. (Huge turn off) Nobody wants to hear about it or cares to be honest.
* In the past ,a few of you guys wondered why females on 'Local Hookupz' or 'ProveMyself' said on their profile that they expect guys to "come correct ". Simple. When messaging or meeting someone you don't know for the first time show respect to said person. Anything else you want to know about me. Ask.
R E S P E C T F U L L Y.
Photos & Videos
Join Date: 6 years ago. • Last Activity: 6 years ago. • Views: 157