I am a: Man
Looking for a: Woman
Age: 29 (06-17-1995)
City/Town: Brooklyn
Postal Code: 11221
Country: United States
A Little About Me
im sincere and honest to a fault, meaning, I do step on toes...I'm impatient, way to independent, can only stand being around people or talking to them on the phone for so long and them I'm overwhemed, and I think that happened when I was diagnosed with MS...I'm presently in remission....cannot stand loud noises...and am a lousy driver. I love to cook and entertain, give gifts...adore the ocean, it is my passion....and love to surprise people....with a birthday party, gifts, and helping people figure out their dilemas....but I can be a real handful....that is why I'm alone.
Photos & Videos
Join Date: 7 years ago. • Last Activity: 7 years ago. • Views: 205